The Holy Quran: 2:251 says

Then they defeated them with the Authority of Allah and David killed Goliath and Allah gave him the kingdom and wisdom and taught him of the things He willed. And were it not that Allah defends mankind, some of them by means of the others, the earth would be full of disorder. But Allah is the Bestower of Grace on the people of the world. (The Holy Quran , Surah 2 verse 251).

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Egypt Refuses IMF Loan Offer - Banksters want more Blood!

Egypt declines World Bank loan as incompatible with national interest

Al-Masry Al-Youm.

June 21, 2011

The government has declined a loan from the World Bank because it found the terms of the loan incompatible with the national interest, Egyptian Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Fayza Abul Naga said on Monday.

The minister added that the government would not accept conditions dictated by the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund, especially since the 18-day uprising that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak.

However, Abul Naga said the Saudi government has granted Egypt a loan of US$200 million to be directed to small and medium enterprises.

Last week, The Wall Street Journal said Egypt was wary of the United States’ recent offer of financial support, doubting possible ulterior motives behind it.

It also said Abul Naga had lodged a complaint with the US Embassy in Egypt, and warned of violating Egypt’s sovereignty by dictating conditions for loans. The complaint came in response to an announcement by the United States Agency for International Development that it would grant Egypt US$165 million to finance projects for education, civic activities and human rights.

Abul Naga objected to the agency announcing loans to Egypt without consulting competent Egyptian officials.

Max Keiser says Banksters are Financial Terrorists , I second the motion!

ICELAND and IT'S BRAVE PEOPLE- banksters don't deserve anything!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What the Banksters and Politicians are afraid of --> An Armed Population!

Listen to what this lady has to say near the end of this video.



Anarchy in the streets of Greece caused by bankster led "austerity measures".

Monday, June 13, 2011

Gordon Duff of Veterans Today tells about Israel's attempts to saturate the internet with its agents!


False Flag Racism: The Internet Proxy War

“Proxy Buster” Software Exposes False Flag Antisemite

Spammers Tied to Spy/Terror Groups


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

An unclassified version of the software used by the FBI has allowed Veterans Today to track the IP addresses of a group of, what appeared to be, hate mongers and racists whose rhetoric borders on terrorist extremism.  What we found was astounding.  In one case, an individual using the email address “” was traced to the computer of the head the largest Jewish “defense” organization.
Others, reposting copyright materials without permission on extremist sites or posting comments filled with racist threats were traced to homes and public buildings in Tel Aviv or to members of Washington lobbying groups tied to Israel.  Most noticeable, though the message is primitive, the syntax is flawless and often elegant.  Spelling and punctuation are “spot on.”
Veterans Today editor, Jim W. Dean said;
We spend hours each week, time we could spend helping veterans, cleaning this garbage off our website.  All of it is blatant and amateurish.  A good friend who works for the Anti-Defamation League, an organization headed by Abe Foxman, told me that hundreds have been recruited, here in the US and more in Israel, whose job it is to seed Antisemitic material into websites that are critical of Israel’s apartheid policies. They openly joke around there how the Nazi and White Supremacist websites have been “theirs” for years.


For decades, no one has met a real person behind any of the supposed “skinhead” or Nazi websites.  The last Nazi “parade” had 8 participants yet hundreds of anonymous screennames continually post bizarre and “dated” racist rhetoric using language learned from popular TV dramas.  It didn’t take long to get to the bottom of this.
Back during the 1980s, organizations like today’s were used by the FBI to track what they believed to be domestic terror threats.  As 90s came to a close, the militias disbanded.  The most notorious of all, the Michigan Militia, claimed they were no longer needed since their chosen candidate “George W. Bush” had assumed the presidency.  The chosen candidate of the White Supremacists and Antisemites, had, according to many “militia” leaders, assumed power and Americans were safe from government intrusion, wire-tapping, illegal searches and new federal agencies imposing more restrictions.
Never has a group been so wrong, as we all know only too well now.
As the FBI moved aside, the groups claiming to protect Americans of the Jewish faith from persecution stepped in.  Their intent was something else.  They saw initial infiltration of White Supremacist internet groups as a broad opportunity to instill cohesion within the Jewish community by manufacturing a threat, much as Hitler had done when he blamed the Jews for Germany’s downfall in World War I.
And, of course, there was no need for a Nazi resistance when the Bush administration itself exceeded even the wildest expectations of any right wing group.  Typical rhetoric out of the White House and GOP, purportedly stressing “family values” and “compassionate conservatism” was little more than thinly veiled hate mongering against Jews and African-Americans.
After 9/11, Muslims began to take on some of the heat, much to the relief of the “welfare cheats” and “left wing intellectuals”, code words for “Blacks and Jews.”
When real Nazis moved into the mainstream of the Republican Party, the groups formerly labeled extremist by the FBI became, not only acceptable but close allies of both the Bureau and the new extra-constitutional police organizations like the Department of Homeland Security.
Nazis during the Clinton Administration threatened to blow up public buildings.  During the Bush administration, they became government snitches.
During the Clinton Administration, the FBI infiltrated and prosecuted these groups, under Bush they were “above the law.”
Thus, with violent extremists moving into mainstream politics, repackaged as Dominionists, “neocons” and Christian Zionists, the “skinhead” organizations would have faded away except for the fact that they had now become useful.  With all members now “internet only,” anyone could claim to be anything with impunity.  Without Nazis, there was no need for groups like the ADL or JDL.
With no real members, the glory of internet anonymity allowed these groups to, not just infiltrate, but totally overrun the domestic Nazi movement.


America’s Jewish community has always been allied with the Democratic party.  78% of American Jews voted for President Obama in the last election.  Jews have always been the leaders of every progressive movement, forming the core of civil rights organizations, trade unions, environmental groups and organizations tied to government reform.
That had to change and 9/11 was the catalyst for that change.
Few Americans, Jewish or not, had been aware, until Wikileaks, that Israel had been closely allied with the nations it claimed were ready to “push Israel into the sea.”  With the exception of Syria, every “enemy” on Israel’s borders had a repressive government that either cooperated with Tel Aviv or as with Mubarak in Egypt, took direct orders.
The concept of “poor threatened Israel,” now recognized as the 4th richest nation on earth with a military openly rated as among the “Top 5″ in the world has become a hard sell.
Thus, in order to provide cover for Israeli spy operations in the United States, not only suppressing investigations and prosecutions, but to keep American Jews in a state of constant fear bordering on severe depression and paranoia, internet organizations known for their racist or Nazi ideology, became tools, not just of lobby groups like AIPAC but culpable in probable acts of treason as well. 

YouTube - Veterans Today -


In order to support a foreign policy agenda aimed at re-colonializing the Middle East, an unholy alliance between traditional Antisemitic groups in the US and the Israel lobby had to be formed.  Regions of the US where Jews had been banned from neighborhoods, from country club membership and full participation in society for generations suddenly became defenders of Israel, defenders of Israel but still, haters of Jewish Americans.
The deal was simple.  America would destroy Iraq, invade Iran, destabilize Pakistan and “globalists,” the cabal of Rothschild banks, Swiss financial criminals and Wall Street thugs would rape the world of resources, starting with the Caspian Basin’s $12 trillion in hydrocarbon resources while bankrupting the United States in the process.
To sweeten the pot, a drug empire would be built in Afghanistan churning out enough dirty money to buy every “free election” in the world.
Any group or individual, any publication that exposed these operations or interfered with these plans would be tied to the Nazi organizations now run by Israeli intelligence through their ties to Jewish defense and lobbyist groups in the United States.
YouTube - Veterans Today -


The long term agenda of this globalist organization is dependent on its ability to orchestrate tensions around the world.  Its primary tool for this is terrorism, blamed on long dead, now even deader still, Osama bin Laden and the imaginary “Disneyesque” Al Qaeda terror organization, a fabrication of the US Department of Justice back during the 1990s.
The attacks now either proven as false flag or highly likely include:
  • 9/11
  • 7/7 London
  • The Alexandria, Egypt church bombing
  • The Mumbai attack
  • The USS Cole attack
  • Car bombings in Iraq (several hundred)
  • Terror attacks in Iran
  • Terror attacks in Pakistan (several hundred)
  • Attacks on American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan (some)
Since 2001, charges of Antisemitism have been leveled against anyone exposing Israel’s role, be it primary or secondary, in the planning and execution of these attacks.  Nazi organizations under the control of groups allied to Israel have played an important part in this, and in doing so, have been fully complicit in terror attacks responsible for the deaths of many thousands around the world.
Thus, when publications like VeteransToday report on spy operations against the United States, it quickly attracts the attention of the network of organizations tasked with undermining America’s free press.  In the case of Veterans Today, the absolute top echelon of the propaganda and disinformation world takes this on as his personal task, little knowing that a publication run by retired intelligence officers can punch through a $10 per month proxy server in seconds.
Again we find the most heinous and vicious Antisemitic rhetoric emanating from the email account of a close friend of Israel’s prime minister.
And so it goes….
YouTube - Veterans Today -

Saturday, June 11, 2011

US Bankrupts Itself By Going Into Foreign Wars And Making Itself Into A Police State!

When you allow a particular mindset to strangle your resources and parasitize you, you open the door to anarchy.
 I fear not the known enemy - but the enemy within our gates, who plots in shadows, has many spies and does away with our freedom is to be abhorred, dug out  and be ELIMINATED at first instance. Then the question arises, "who are these people?" Is not the answer as plain as daylight to one and all. 

When the bankster has no more to steal from your family and friends, IT will try your neighbors or the Arab living down the street, who owns a Gas Station!

Donald Trump, says Gaddafi approached him for a land deal and Trump "....screwed him!" This kind of business mentality is what makes the whole US  a sick nation(see 2:12). Gaddafi would probably have replied:
"TRUMPSTER-- You're Fired!"

Friday, June 10, 2011

You Are Only Free When You Are NOT in Debt To Anyone

From Mike Krieger of KAM LP

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.
- Noam Chomsky

Nobel awards are merely an honorary award in groupthink, presented to anyone who perpetuates the status quo with little regard for actual merit-based contribution.
- Tyler Durden of Zerohedge

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The manipulation of others for their own benefit -watch at 14 minutes onwards for the bankster mentality. Prominent Swiss Politician calls for arrest of Kissinger at Bilderberger conference.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The HYPER HITLER AGENDA - Supernational One World Government promulgated by White House Science Czar

This Hyper Hitler wants to decimate the world to achieve  his goal of 1 billion humans, read the book pointed out by Tarplay and confirm for yourself there are idiots running the White House besides the President - Der Uber Idiot!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Startling revelations from a Swiss banking insider

(interview with a Swiss banker done in Mosсow 30.05.2011) bank1

Q: Can you tell us something about your involvement in the Swiss banking business?

A: I have worked for Swiss banks for many years. I was designated as one of the top directors of one of the biggest Swiss banks. During my work I was involved in the payment, in the direct payment in cash to a person who killed the president of a foreign country. I was in the meeting where it was decided to give this cash money to the killer. This gave me dramatic headaches and troubled my conscience. It was not the only case that was really bad but it was the worst.

It was a payment instruction on order of a foreign secret service written by hand giving the order to pay a certain amount to a person who killed the top leader of a foreign country. And it was not the only case. We received several such hand written letters coming from foreign secret services giving the order to payout cash from secret accounts to fund revolutions or for the killing of people. I can confirm what John Perkins has written in his book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”. There really exists just a system and Swiss banks are involved in such cases.

Q: Perkins book is also translated and available in Russian. Can you tell us which bank it is and who was responsible?

A: It was one of the top three Swiss banks at that time and it was the president of a country in the third world. But I don’t want to give out to many details because they will find me very easily if I say the name of the president and the name of the bank. I will risk my life.

Q: You can’t name any person in the bank either?

A: No I can’t, but I can assure you this happened. We were several persons in the meeting room. The person in charge of the physical payment of the cash came to us and asked us if he is allowed to payout such a big amount in cash to that person and one of the directors explained the case and all others said ok you can do it.

Q: Did this happened often? Was this kind of a slush fund?

A: Yes. This was a special fund managed in a special place in the bank were all the coded letters came in from abroad. The most important letters were hand written. We had to decipher them and in them was the order to pay a certain amount of cash from accounts for the assassination of people, funding revolutions, funding strikes, funding all sorts of parties. I know that certain people who are Bilderbergers were involved in such orders. I mean they gave the orders to kill.

Q: Can you tell us in what year or decade this happened?

A: I prefer not to give you the precise year but it was in the 80’s.

Q: Did you have a problem with this work?

A: Yes, a very big problem. I could not sleep for many days and after a while I left the bank. If I give you too many details they will trace me. Several secret services from abroad, mostly English speaking, gave orders to fund illegal acts, even the killing of people thru Swiss banks. We had to pay on the instructions of foreign powers for the killing of persons who did not follow the orders of Bilderberg or the IMF or the World Bank for example.

Q: This is a very startling revelation that you are making. Why do you feel the urge to say this now?

A: Because Bilderberg is meeting in Switzerland. Because the world situation is getting worse and worse. And because the biggest banks in Switzerland are involved in unethical activities. Most of these operations are outside the balance sheet. It is a multiple of what is officially declared. Its not audited and happening without any taxes. The figures involved have a lot of zeros. Its huge amounts.

Q: So its billions?

A: Its much more, its trillions, completely unaudited, illegal and besides the tax system. Basically it’s a robbery of everybody. I mean most normal people are paying taxes and abiding by the laws. What is happening here is complete against our Swiss values, like neutrality, honesty and good faith. In the meetings I was involved in, the discussions where completely against our democratic principles. You see, most of the directors of Swiss banks are not locals anymore, they are foreigners, mostly Anglo-Saxon, either American or British, they don’t respect our neutrality, they don’t respect our values, they are against our direct democracy, they just use the Swiss banks for their illegal means.

They use huge amounts of money created out of nothing and they destroy our society and destroy the people world wide just for greed. They seek power and destroy whole countries, like Greece, Spain, Portugal or Ireland and Switzerland will be one of the last in line. And they use China as working slaves. And a person like Josef Ackermann, who is a Swiss citizen, is the top man at a German bank and he uses his power for greed and does not respect the common people. He has quite a few legal cases in Germany and also now in the States. He is a Bilderberger and does not care about Switzerland or any other country.

Q: Are you saying, some of these people that you mention will be at the up-coming Bilderberg meeting in June in St. Moritz?

A: Yes.

Q: So they are currently in a position of power?

A: Yes. They have huge amounts of money available and use it to destroy whole countries. They destroy our industry and build it up in China. On the other hand they opened up the gates in Europe for all Chinese products. The working population of Europe is earning less and less. The real aim is to destroy Europe.

Q: Do you think that the Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz has symbolic value? Because in 2009 they where in Greece, 2010 in Spain and look what happened to them. Does this mean Switzerland can expect something bad?

A: Yes. Switzerland is one of the most important countries for them, because there is so much capital here. They are meeting there because apart from other things they want to destroy all values that Switzerland stands for. You see it’s an obstacle for them, not being in the EU or Euro, not totally controlled by Brussels and so on. Regarding values I am not talking about the big Swiss banks, because they are not Swiss anymore, most of them are lead by Americans. I am talking about the real Swiss spirit that the common people cherish and hold up.

Sure it has symbolic value, as you said, regarding Greece and Spain. Their aim is to be a kind of exclusive elite club that has all the power and everybody else is impoverished and down.

Q: Do you think that the aim of Bilderberg is to create a kind of global dictatorship, controlled by the big global corporations, were there are no sovereign states anymore?

A: Yes and Switzerland is the only place left with direct democracy and its in their way. They use the blackmail of “too big to fail” as in the case of UBS to put our country in big debt, just like they did with many other countries. In the end maybe they want to do with Switzerland what they did with Iceland, with all the banks and the country bankrupt.

Q: And also bring it in to the EU?

A: Of course. The EU is under the iron grip of Bilderberg.

Q: What do you think could stop this plan?

A: Well that’s the reason I speak to you. Its truth. Truth is the only way. Put a light on this situation, expose them. They don’t like to be in the spotlight. We have to create transparency in the banking industry and in all levels of society.

Q: What you are saying is, there is a correct side to the Swiss banking business and there are a few big banks that are misusing the financial system for their illegal activities.

A: Yes. The big banks are training their staff with Anglo-Saxon values. They are training them to be greedy and ruthless. And greed is destroying Switzerland and everybody else. As a country we have a majority of the most correct operating banks in the world, if you look at the small and midsize banks. Its just the big ones who operate globally that are a problem. They are not Swiss anymore and don’t consider themselves as such.

Q: Do you think it is a good thing that people are exposing Bilderberg and showing who they really are?

A: I think the Strauss-Kahn case is a good chance for us, because it shows these people are corrupt, sick in their minds, so sick they are full of vices and those vices are kept under wraps on their orders. Some of them like Strauss-Kahn rape women, others are sado maso, or paedophile and many are into Satanism. When you go in some banks you see these satanistic symbols, like in the Rothschild Bank in Zurich. These people are controlled by black-mail because of the weaknesses they have. They have to follow orders or they will be exposed, they will be destroyed or even killed. The reputation of Strauss-Kahn is not only killed in the mass media, he could be killed also literally.

Q: Since Ackermann is in the steering committee of Bilderberg, do you think he is a big decision maker there?

A: Yes. But there are many others, like Lagarde, wo will probably be the next IMF head, also a member of Bilderberg, then Sarkozy and Obama. They have a new plan to censor the internet, because the internet is still free. They want to control it and use terrorism or what ever as a reason. They could even plan something horrible so that they have an excuse.

Q: So that is your fear?

A: Its not only a fear, I am certain of it. As I said, they gave orders to kill, so they are capable of terrible things. If they have the feeling they are losing control, like the uprising now in Greece and Spain and maybe Italy will be next, then they can do another Gladio. I was close to the Gladio network. As you know they instigated terrorism paid by American money to control the political system in Italy and other European countries. Regarding the murder of Aldo Moro, the payment was done thru the same system as I told you about.

Q: Was Ackermann part of this payment system at a Swiss bank?

A: (S m i l e) … you are the journalist. Look at his career and how fast he made it to the top.

Q: What do you think can be done to hinder them?

A: Well there are many good books out there that explain the background and connect the dots, like the one I mentioned by Perkins. These people really have hit men that get paid to kill. Some of them get their money thru Swiss banks. But not only, they have a system set up all over the world. And to expose to the public these people that are prepared to do anything to keep control. And I mean anything.

Q: Thru exposure we could stop them?

A: Yes, telling the truth. We are confronted with really ruthless criminals, also big war criminals. Its worse then genocide. They are ready and able to kill millions of people just to stay in power and in control.

Q: Can you explain from your view, why the mass media in the west is more or less completely silent regarding Bilderberg?

A: Because there is an agreement between them and the owners of the media. You don’t talk about it. They buy them. Also some of the top media figures are invited to the meetings but are told not to report anything they see and hear.

Q: In the structure of Bilderberg, is there an inner circle that knows the plans and then there is the majority who just follow orders?

A: Yes. You have the inner circle who are into Satanism and then there are the naive or less informed people. Some people even think they are doing something good, the outer circle.

Q: According to exposed documents and own statements, Bilderberg decided back in 1955 to create the EU and the Euro, so they made important and far reaching decisions.

A: Yes and you know that Bilderberg was founded by Prince Bernard, a former member of the SS and Nazi party and he also worked for IG Farben, who’s subsidiary produced Cyclone B. The other guy was the head of Occidental Petroleum who had close relations to the communists in the Sowjetunion. They worked both sides but really these people are fascists who want to control everything and everybody and who gets in their way is removed.

Q: Is the payment system you explained outside of normal operations, compartmentalized and in secret?

A: In those Swiss banks the normal employees don’t know this is happening. Its like an own secret department in the bank. As I said these operations are outside of the balance sheet, with no supervision. Some are situated in the same building, others are outside. They have their own security and special area where only authorized people can enter.

Q: How do they keep these transactions out of the international Swift system?

A: Well some of the Clearstream listings where true in the beginning. They just included fake names to make people believe the whole list is fake. You see they also make mistakes. The first list was true and you can trace a lot of things. You see, there are people around that discover irregularities and the truth and they tell it. Afterwards of course there are law suits and these people are forced to shut up.

The best way to stop them is to tell the truth, put the spot light on them. If we don’t stop them we will end up as their slaves.

Q: Thanks you for this interview.

Peter Odintsov

Moscow May 30th, 2011. From

Does the FED manipulate the Futures and Stockmarket - Rep Alan Grayson asks?

Watch the lawyer for the FED squirm in his seat as Grayson asks for clarification.

9 Trillion missing from the Federal Reserve Bank which is a Private Bank run by the banksters to bankrupt Americans.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Jews control World Economy

The IMF should be on trial for Corruption, Theft and Genocide, not only DSK!

Johann Hari: It's not just Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The IMF itself should be on trial

Imagine a prominent figure was charged, not with raping a hotel maid, but with starving her, and her family, to death
Friday, 3 June 2011

Sometimes, the most revealing aspect of the shrieking babble of the 24/7 news agenda is the silence. Often the most important facts are hiding beneath the noise, unmentioned and undiscussed.
So the fact that Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is facing trial for allegedly raping a maid in a New York hotel room is – rightly – big news. But imagine a prominent figure was charged not with raping a maid, but starving her to death, along with her children, her parents, and thousands of other people. That is what the IMF has done to innocent people in the recent past. That is what it will do again, unless we transform it beyond all recognition. But that is left in the silence.
To understand this story, you have to reel back to the birth of the IMF. In 1944, the countries that were poised to win the Second World War gathered in a hotel in rural New Hampshire to divvy up the spoils. With a few honourable exceptions, like the great British economist John Maynard Keynes, the negotiators were determined to do one thing. They wanted to build a global financial system that ensured they received the lion's share of the planet's money and resources. They set up a series of institutions designed for that purpose – and so the IMF was delivered into the world.
The IMF’s official job sounds simple and attractive. It is supposedly there to ensure poor countries don’t fall into debt, and if they do, to lift them out with loans and economic expertise. It is presented as the poor world’s best friend and guardian. But beyond the rhetoric, the IMF was designed to be dominated by a handful of rich countries – and, more specifically, by their bankers and financial speculators. The IMF works in their interests, every step of the way.
Let’s look at how this plays out on the ground. In the 1990s, the small country of Malawi in south-eastern Africa was facing severe economic problems after enduring one of the worst HIV-AIDS epidemics in the world and surviving a horrific dictatorship. They had to ask the IMF for help. If the IMF has acted in its official role, it would have given loans and guided the country to develop in the same way that Britain and the US and every other successful country had developed – by protecting its infant industries, subsidising its farmers, and investing in the education and health of its people. 

That’s what an institution that was concerned with ordinary people – and accountable to them – would look like. But the IMF did something very different. They said they would only give assistance if Malawi agreed to the ‘structural adjustments’ the IMF demanded. They ordered Malawi to sell off almost everything the state owned to private companies and speculators, and to slash spending on the population. They demanded they stop subsidising fertilizer, even though it was the only thing that made it possible for farmers – most of the population – to grow anything in the country’s feeble and depleted soil. They told them to prioritise giving money to international bankers over giving money to the Malawian people.
So when in 2001 the IMF found out the Malawian government had built up large stockpiles of grain in case there was a crop failure, they ordered them to sell it off to private companies at once. They told Malawi to get their priorities straight by using the proceeds to pay off a loan from a large bank the IMF had told them to take out in the first place, at a 56 per cent annual rate of interest. The Malawian president protested and said this was dangerous. But he had little choice. The grain was sold. The banks were paid.
The next year, the crops failed. The Malawian government had almost nothing to hand out. The starving population was reduced to eating the bark off the trees, and any rats they could capture. The BBC described it as Malawi’s “worst ever famine.” There had been a much worse crop failure in 1991-2, but there was no famine because then the government had grain stocks to distribute. So at least a thousand innocent people starved to death. 

At the height of the starvation, the IMF suspended $47m in aid, because the government had ‘slowed’ in implementing the marketeering ‘reforms’ that had led to the disaster. ActionAid, the leading provider of help on the ground, conducted an autopsy into the famine. They concluded that the IMF “bears responsibility for the disaster.”
Then, in the starved wreckage, Malawi did something poor countries are not supposed to do. They told the IMF to get out. Suddenly free to answer to their own people rather than foreign bankers, Malawi disregarded all the IMF’s ‘advice’, and brought back subsidies for the fertiliser, along with a range of other services to ordinary people. Within two years, the country was transformed from being a beggar to being so abundant they were supplying food aid to Uganda and Zimbabwe.
The Malawian famine should have been a distant warning cry for you and me. Subordinating the interests of ordinary people to bankers and speculators caused starvation there. Within a few years, it had crashed the global economy for us all. 

In the history of the IMF, this story isn’t an exception: it is the rule. The organisation takes over poor countries, promising it has medicine that will cure them – and then pours poison down their throats. Whenever I travel across the poor parts of the world I see the scars from IMF ‘structural adjustments’ everywhere, from Peru to Ethiopia. Whole countries have collapsed after being IMF-ed up – most famously Argentina and Thailand in the 1990s.
Look at some of the organisation’s greatest hits. In Kenya, the IMF insisted the government introduce fees to see the doctor – so the number of women seeking help or advice on STDs fell by 65 per cent, in one of the countries worst affected by AIDS in the world.
In Ghana, the IMF insisted the government introduce fees for going to school – and the number of rural families who could afford to send their kids crashed by two-thirds. In Zambia, the IMF insisted they slash health spending – and the number of babies who died doubled. Amazingly enough, it turns out that shovelling your country’s money to foreign bankers, rather than your own people, isn’t a great development strategy.
The Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz worked closely with the IMF for over a decade, until he quit and became a whistle-blower. He told me a few years ago: “When the IMF arrives in a country, they are interested in only one thing. How do we make sure the banks and financial institutions are paid?... It is the IMF that keeps the [financial] speculators in business. They’re not interested in development, or what helps a country to get out of poverty.” 

Some people call the IMF “inconsistent”, because the institution supports huge state-funded bank bailouts in the rich world, while demanding an end to almost all state funding in the poor world. But that’s only an inconsistency if you are thinking about the realm of intellectual ideas, rather than raw economic interests. In every situation, the IMF does what will get more money to bankers and speculators. If rich governments will hand banks money for nothing in “bailouts”, great. If poor countries can be forced to hand banks money in extortionate “repayments”, great. It’s absolutely consistent.
Some people claim that Strauss-Kahn was a “reformer” who changed the IMF after he took over in 2009. Certainly, there was a shift in rhetoric – but detailed study by Dr Daniela Gabor of the University of the West of England has shown that the substance is business-as-usual.
Look, for example, at Hungary. After the 2008 crash, the IMF lauded them for keeping to their original deficit target by slashing public services. The horrified Hungarian people responded by kicking the government out, and choosing a party that promised to make the banks pay for the crisis they had created. They introduced a 0.7 per cent levy on the banks (four times higher than anywhere else). The IMF went crazy. They said this was “highly distortive” for banking activity – unlike the bailouts, of course – and shrieked that it would cause the banks to flee from the country. The IMF shut down their entire Hungary programme to intimidate them.
But the collapse predicted by the IMF didn’t happen. Hungary kept on pursuing sensible moderate measures, instead of punishing the population. They imposed taxes on the hugely profitable sectors of retail, energy and telecoms, and took funds from private pensions to pay the deficit. The IMF shrieked at every step, and demanded cuts for ordinary Hungarians instead. It was the same old agenda, with the same old threats. Strauss-Kahn did the same in almost all the poor countries where the IMF operated, from El Salvador to Pakistan to Ethiopia, where big cuts in subsidies for ordinary people have been imposed. Plenty have been intimidated into harming their own interests. The US-based think tank the Center for Economic and Policy Research found 31 of 41 IMF agreements require ‘pro-cyclical’ macroeconomic policies – pushing them further into recession. 

It is not only Strauss-Kahn who should be on trial. It is the institution he has been running. There’s an inane debate in the press about who should be the next head of the IMF, as if we were discussing who should run the local Milk Board. But if we took the idea of human equality seriously, and remembered all the people who have been impoverished, starved and killed by this institution, we would be discussing the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission – and how to disband the IMF entirely and start again.
If Strauss-Kahn is guilty, I suspect I know how it happened. He must have mistaken the maid for a poor country in financial trouble. Heads of the IMF have, after all, been allowed to rape them with impunity for years.
* For updates on the IMF and other issues, follow Johann on Twitter at
* Johann presents a weekly podcast on the crucial issues of the week, which you can subscribe to here.
* The main groups monitoring and exposing the IMF are War on Want and the Bretton Woods Project.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Americans Demand Justice Department Regulate AIPAC as Israeli Foreign Agent

On May 23 activists drawn from more than 100 organizations demanded the U.S. Department of Justice regulate the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as an agent of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  On May 18, 2011 Heather Hunt, chief of the Registration Unit of the Counterespionage Division, responded to a letter "requesting a meeting with the Attorney General to discuss matters relating to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and its possible obligation to register pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938…"  Hunt solicited "additional information" asking that concerned members of the public, "please forward it to us."

The new information was presented in front of the Justice Department on a large presentation board.   According to 2010 civil court filings AIPAC obtained classified annual U.S. arms transfer data, secret U.S. policy accords with Saudi Arabia, classified signals intelligence flows that were used in lobbying Congress, National Security Decision Directives, Justice Department investigation files and troves of other government classified information.  Petitioners argue that AIPAC is trafficking classified U.S. government secrets for the same reason its parent organization laundered overseas funds into the U.S. during the 1960s—to serve the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs—where AIPAC's founder worked until 1951.

A 2009 petition filed with Hunt substantiated that the Justice Department ordered the American Zionist Council to register as an Israeli foreign agent in 1962 after it was discovered laundering millions of dollars of Israeli funds into U.S. public relations and lobbying campaigns.  The AZC's lobbying and PR division—AIPAC—quietly incorporated six weeks later without registering.  In 1965 the Justice Department—in violation of FARA transparency mandates—agreed to keep the AZC foreign agent order secret.  This allowed AIPAC to obtain tax exempt status in 1968 —against recommendations of a 1963 Senate Foreign Relations Committee letter to the IRS following a separate three year investigation.

Video may be viewed online at: Members of the public can personalize petition letters (DOC) to the Justice Department and submit forms urging the IRS to retroactively revoke AIPAC's tax exempt status (PDF).
Move Over AIPAC is organized by Code Pink and endorsed by more than 100 organizations and partners committed to peace in the Middle East.  The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) is a nonprofit organization that studies Middle East policy formulation.
SOURCE Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy

Gen. Hamid Gul: US will start WW3 if war expands to Pakistan

Pakistan is not a pushover country like Iraq and with a nuclear arsenal, it can blow Uncle Sam out of the water just as fast. General Hamid Gul says the US is an arrogant bully. US mass murder has been perpetrated at the behest of the banksters because these banksters start all wars and make huge profits supplying weapons of mass destruction. Americans should realize and stop all wars and pay more attention to their own crumbling infrastructures like schools, hospitals, drainage and so many others including the welfare of their veterans who have been committing suicide in record numbers.