The Holy Quran: 2:251 says

Then they defeated them with the Authority of Allah and David killed Goliath and Allah gave him the kingdom and wisdom and taught him of the things He willed. And were it not that Allah defends mankind, some of them by means of the others, the earth would be full of disorder. But Allah is the Bestower of Grace on the people of the world. (The Holy Quran , Surah 2 verse 251).

Friday, December 26, 2014

Meet The Pilot Who Shot Down Malaysian Boeing MH-17 ( sourced by Voltaire Network).

The latest twist results in an interview revealing the identity of the Murderer of all on board MAS plane MH17. Please follow the link to read further

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ukraine MIG shoots down MH17 flight with 298 people onboard. Satellite pictures confirm from a US source.

According to Voltaire network, the incident has been recorded on photos taken by US spy satellite. I said that ALL major powers have these pictures in my blog of MAS murderMH 17 and MOSSAD. Now one has leaked out. Please read the report at this link Spy Satellite picture of shooting by MIG on MH17. The cat is finally out of the bag for people wanting to know the truth......
 The plane above near the middle top is MH17 and on the lower left is the MIG with magnified image on the right box. The vapour trail is that of the missile.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Politicians (bankster agents) are being dumped by a growing awakening of people fed up with their lies.

These 2 videos show the dumping of 2 politicians who are basically bankster agents. One was thrown onto a garbage bin in Ukraine and had more garbage added, the other was thrown into a canal in Pakistan. Both are hilarious but the Pakistan one has the politician and his bodyguard using pistols to shoot but to no avail.

Pakistan is first: see this linkPakistani politician thrown into canal.
 At 0:29 he wields a weapon and fires off twice, then this fat pig is disarmed by police and his body guard comes in to rescue but is also disarmed and the crowd quickly dumps both into the canal below!

In Ukraine, the garbage goes into the bin Angry mob dumps politician into garbage bin.

Once more with feeling, ex Minister thrown out of PIA plane and his deputy as well, watch at 3:30 how the passengers demand that the MP be removed!

He made the passengers wait 2 hours for him for nothing!

My prediction is that the next serious incident will involve the Dumping Of Banksters!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Zionists to OWN your country and the coming NUCLEAR FALSE FLAG

Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Professor Adrian Salbuchi of Argentina.

The interview is worth listening and its about plans by the Zionists to remodel Israel and the World. Only Islam stands in their way! Listen at this link

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Japanese Plutonium not for sale to India.

Mass-Murderer Modi tries to buy Japanese Plutonium.

On his recent trip in August/September 2014, to Japan to meet Shinzo Abe, all this rascal got was Japanese Tea laced with Plutonium dust from Fukushima!

In my blog at papani786 I wrote about Japanese Plutonium Exports. I wrote it way back in 2011, surprisingly enough, Japan is the world’s largest exporter of Plutonium (Pu) which is weapons grade.

According to the US Congress Record, the Japanese government has over the years made more Plutonium than any other country. Here is the quote:

Congressional Record, V. 149, Pt. 9, May 14, 2003 to May 21, 2003. Relevant date is May 15, 2003 page number 11963.

"Few of us have realized that Japan owns more plutonium than in the United States nuclear arsenal........Today Japan owns 38 tons of plutonium, 5 tons located in the country and 33 tons at its European processors. That is enough for 7000 nuclear weapons. Japan is also accelerating its production of plutonium. North Korea recently complained in public about 206 kilos of missing plutonium from Japan's Tokai-mura facility."

As a result of knowing this there can only be one conclusion : THE FUKUSHIMA PLANT WAS MAKING WEAPONS GRADE PLUTONIUM FOR EXPORT. Power Plants in Japan, 2006
Above map is from an article by Gavan McCormack at Japan Focus
The above link  may no longer be available. You may click to enlarge.

Japan has been exporting Pu to Europe as nuclear fuel for certain models of the power generating reactors.
And what is Pu? Here is the answer:

Know that Pu(239) has a half-life of 24,360 years.
All you need to cause cancer is to breathe in 1 atom of this and it will irradiate you to death. That's why its handled only by robotic arms and behind thick shielding.
The Condensed Chemical Dictionary lists Pu as :
"The most toxic of the elements and one of the most toxic substances known ; dangerous ionizing radiation persists indefinitely ; a powerful carcinogen. Must be handled by remote control and with proper shielding"

Number of atoms in Pu in 10 grams.

If we assume that 1 kg of soil was contaminated with Pu and that this amounted to about 10 grams of Pu, then we would have around 6 x 10 exp 23 atoms of Pu multiplied by 0.01kg and this amounts to the number of Pu atoms present, which is :

(mass in grams / molecular mass) = number of moles of Pu present.
This  comes to 0.000041841. This multiplied by 6x10exp23(Avogadro constant) gives 2.51x10exp20 Pu atoms present.
This being a conservative estimate means that every single human being can be irradiated with the Pu provided only 10 grams was released, but by what factor? Divide this number by the world population of say 6 billion and you will have the answer!

This turns out to be roughly about 42 billion times!(41.841 billion times to be more precise).
This means that no thanks to Fukushima and the lying statistics and cover up by the Japanese government the world can be irradiated many times over i.e. billions of times. So if cancer strikes as its most certain to do then its a question of not IF but WHEN.

Thankfully, God has diluted the effects of Pu by making it bind with dust, water and clay.
See also this article by an environmental activist at here nuclear-conspiracies-and-pacific
as well as this article preferably read the comments as well Fukushima with over 2 Trillion becquerels exposure
Why Does Japan Produce Plutonium?
How can Japan produce so much Pu? Simple, it has a very large number of breeder reactors that supply power to cities and industries.
In the 1973 Oil crisis, Japan was affected severely by the oil embargo imposed by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. This king was subsequently assassinated by a CIA mind-controlled slave at the orders of that arch-devil Kissinger. The assassin was able to approach the King because he happened to be his nephew!

Anyway, Japanese products were being priced out of the market and it was decided that to prevent the recession in Japan to further damage the economy, it had to become less reliant on foreign oil and instead turn nuclear. An irony, because in WW2 it was nuked twice and the scars are still there. Japan did this on the quiet and propaganda was used to change the mindset of the Japanese who were told that they were in “survival mode”.

Modi in a hurry to nuke Pakistan

According to Jane’s weapon systems, India has slightly less nuke capable missiles than
rival Pakistan. In order to destroy arch enemy Pakistan, Modi has gone into overdrive to try to lay his hands on the most Uranium and Pu he can find in order to have a 3:1 or more advantage in arms to Pakistan and to be able to nuke Pakistan which is his main intention. He has planned this to be in late 2015 or early 2016.
Why does he want to do this? To find out, read the mind of Hitler.

Nuclear Option – India’s expanding uranium enrichment programme
Robert Munks, Deputy Editor, IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review, IHS Aerospace, Defence & Security
06 August 2014

India's Problematic Uranium Enrichment Programme.

Why is Modi rushing to nuke Pakistan? This hate monger and Hindu Zionist has the rabidly mad Hindu RSS as his main propaganda apparatus and his useful idiots are the hindu public and lukewarm muslims. He is backed by Hindu Brahmin priests who are anti-Islam and have no qualms in murdering and burning muslims in order to make Hindustan for Hindus only.
Narendra Modi

Agencies | 10 September 2014/15 Dhul Qa'dah 1435 Fired up and full of vitriol, Hindu activist Rajeshwar...

See this interview I repost here by Booker prize winner and social activist and humanist Ms Rai about Modi’s murders in Gujarat.

Modi making up for lost time.
The Congress Party of India lost the election in May 2014 by a cataclismic amount. They don’t even qualify to be the leader of opposition in Parliament of India because they lack the numbers!
The leader of Congress, Ms Sonia Ghandi (Italian origin) was widowed when her husband tried to extend Indian influence into Sri Lanka. We all know too well that her husband was decapitated by a garland bomb and that the only way to identify Rajiv Ghandi’s body was to look for the body wearing REEBOK shoes!

This disaster in her life has made her less "venturesome" and more inclined to leave the hegemony practiced by her husband and to concentrate on ensuring that her genes are safe. Hence the less emphasis paid to Pakistan. What she did was to instruct RAW to dismantle Pakistan by subterfuge and civil strife, a philosophy outlined by mentor of Machiavelli himself, the 200BC man called Chaunkia. She has been quite successful but she lacks the vile, stinking gall of Modi in openly murdering muslims, but she is not far behind.
No doubt at the Bombay 26/11 attack so called and attributed to Pakistan but carried out by the Mossad/CIA nexus with the blessing of the dirty little cardboard stiff singh who happens to be the PM of India, someone called Manmohan and India’s defence minister then, Fernandez.

Kissinger licking his chops.
 As he supervised the Bombay massacre and openly accused Pakistan, this arch-devil was in Bombay and saw the whole thing with the CIA/Mossad reporting every detail to him. What a good time he must have had, seeing murder live on feed! WW2 Four-star General George S Patton’s “Jew-Boy” driver had come full circle. He convinced the Congress Party that anything can be done by the CIA/Mossad and they can get away free without blame. These Zionist have the media under their control and that's not all.
This war criminal should not be free to plan more, the world is safer without him and see this link by Kevin Barrett at here Arrest Kissinger for both 911's

Japan’s Shinzo Abe is no fool!
Realizing that if he gave Modi Pu from Japan, he would be marked as a neo-Nazi and that he would be in deep trouble with the cabinet. Abe did the smart thing and said that he had no Pu for sale and the only Pu he had was Japanese Tea laced with Fukushima Pu dust which Modi was forced to drink! This chaiwala from Gujarat had met his match in Japan!See the link here about 2 neo nazi Japanese politicians and the heat they face for being so.Japan PM's new candidates deny Neo Nazi links

Australia another source of Nukes
Acting on prescience, Modi within a few days after Japan,was meeting PM Abbott of Australia and Uranium and Pu was high on his wanted shopping list. Aussies also know the Indians too well and think in long term ventures. The shipments are possible but it would take time.

Uncle Sam, where are YOU?

  As the saying goes, birds of a feather, flock together. As at today, 11th September 2014, Modi is scheduled to meet his Zionist counterpart and fellow murderer-in-chief, Obama, the White House Nigger born of a Jew mother and negro father, in late September. This meeting will let Modi extend his plans against Pakistan and he will ask Obama for nukes and will most likely be given these as well but at a price too heavy for India to pay. That’s what you get for messing with hellfire…..more of it. When you deal with the devil, get ready to be burnt!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ken O'Keefe talks about where Zionism is headed!

Ken tells it like it is. He was on the Mavi Mara aid ship which was ransacked by the criminal Zionist state called Israel and resulted in the murder of many people who came to help Palestine. Can you salute this guy? He personally disarmed one Zionist commando clown and another... please see.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

MOSSAD Second MAS Murder of MH17.

MOSSAD Second MAS Murder of MH17.

History as they say, often repeats itself and it is only the fool who does not learn from it. And so have the Malaysians been fooled twice. As the Blessed Prophet of Islam is so fond of saying, “The true believer is never stung from the same hole twice.”

This unfortunate series of events has resulted in the disappearance of flight MH 370 early on March 8th 2014 and now once again in July, some 3 months later, the complete destruction of all on board flight MH 17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

DUCK Hunting Season opens or is it DUTCH hunting season?
There were 298 people with tons of luggage, mostly Dutch nationals, with money to burn on holiday to Malaysia and elsewhere. About 80 were children! Who benefits and who is responsible? These questions are easily answered once you realize that the beneficiaries of these crimes are none other than MOSSAD and the President of the biggest terrorist state in the world (biggest in terms of networks and budget), the USA.

The MAS jet downed by missiles was a possibility I pointed out in my first essay back in March 12th.

Logo from US Spy Satellite launched in 2013.
US spy satellite NROL-39 launched December 2013.

But warnings often go unheeded.

False Flag to blame Russia.
The event was done with finesse by Obama and his CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 team of murderers. Russia had managed to outfox US and Zionist interests in Syria and other places. The US pissed-off by this, decided to bring in its team of Mad Zionists including the Menachem Begin (wanted for many years for the King David Hotel Massacre) reincarnation called Yatsenyuk.    

Mugshot of Terrorist PM of Israel(1940)

And is better understood more clearly as ex-PM of the Zionist Emirate of Ukraine.

He resigned soon after the destruction of MH17, but this architect of malfeasance, mayhem and murderer of Dutch and others is not going scot-free so soon. By resigning, there is no guarantee of immunity from prosecution. His hands bloodied for the moment, he has chosen to lie low until this incident becomes cool enough for him to resurface in another malevolent manifestation!

MAS - If you can’t protect your passengers, you have no business flying them!

Malaysia would do well to seek out this low-life Yatsenyuk and make him answer for his sins. The Malays, too soft and easy-going, have to change their mindset if they are to survive or they will end up becoming another Gaza!

 They should realize and learn quickly that Zion is at war with them and that Malaysia should go onto a war footing and STOP showing movies of weak kneed, pussy-chasing men going after wannabee sluts. Most of their serials and soap operas on TV show their men as lovesick idiots.

Where is the martial spirit inspired by heroes of the Malacca Sultanate that made Malaysia a world power and a nation wooed even by China?

How did these Mad Zionists plan to do MH17 and who was overseeing it?

This whole dastardly deed was planned in advance, months before the incident was due.

The first reason for this false flag was the failure of the US to annex Syria and Iraq to Israel, hence in order to punish Russia for supporting Syria, MH17 was shot down and the blame was put on Putin.
The second reason being to let Israel destroy Gaza by unleashing Operation Op Edge during the month of Ramadhan which falls on  June/July 2014.
This event would cause mass deaths in Gaza and to distract world attention away from the genocide of the Palestinians, MH17 was downed.

Thirdly, the US wanted sanctions to be imposed on Russia but the EU was balking at this. The EU was not keen because Russia and it were too tight in trade and resource management. Russia is a major supplier of gas and in return imports EU food and manufactured products like cars, electronics, medical supplies and many luxury items.

The EU will be left to face a dark and cold winter once Russia, if cornered, decides to shut off the gas which happens to pass through the Zionist Emirate of Ukraine as well.

In order to make EU more cooperative and to encourage those nations who were not keen on sanctions against Russia to join the US/NATO alliance, this flight was targeted and the blame would be on Russia!

Note how the US and EU newspapers blamed Putin, not even 2 days into the incident. Obama was at the lead, blaming Putin for the whole mess even before a thorough investigation could take place with the smoke of the burning plane still smouldering in the air.

Very often it is the murderer who fingers someone else to deflect blame!
The flight MH17, as you will note, was carrying more EU nationals than its own people, and having had one hijacked before, MAS had a very bad record on safety - so why not go after this fat Malay duck? Besides Malaysia has a history of supporting the Palestinians and its past PM, Mahathir is no fan of Israel.

If Israel chooses politicians like the swines on the left, don’t expect peace because these Zionists only want to kill all the Muslims they can find.
The Bali Bombing Revisited.
Still unconvinced? You will recall that Australia was not keen to join in an alliance in the Iraq war as well as in Afghanistan. The Bali Bombing subsequently atomized a few dozen fun-loving Aussies at Denpasar, and killed and maimed many more.

This was a MOSSAD hit, using a micronuclear device. The level of destruction along with the size of the pit that formed all indicate a nuclear explosion as well as the subsequent mushroom cloud. All this was quickly covered up by the easily bought Indonesian police. For more in depth on this you can read Joe Viall’s expose on the Bali Bombing incident or see this link Bali Bombing uses a micronuke.
This incident caused the politicians bought by the CIA in Australia to change the mindset of the Aussies so that they now favored the US invasion and were willing to join the coalition in order to “fight terrorism.”

For more and other similar incidents, you may recall the murder of Hariri in Lebanon. Same mushroom cloud and micronuke used, although with enhanced yield.

In any false flag event, you will note that evidence to blame the real perpetrators is quickly removed from the scene.

This happened with the Kennedy assassination (1963), Zia Ul Haq’s plane crash (1989), the Benazir Bhutto slaughter and now this. You can also include the Bali bombing and the patsy they blamed who happened to be an old teacher of a madrassah.

The whole operation was overseen by US which supplied the intelligence and satellites for monitoring the slaughter.

See from 10 minutes on but the whole speech is worth hearing because of JFK's wit and his excellent presentation.

How was it done?
By diverting the plane to lower its altitude from 10000 metres to 8000 metres as it passed over Ukrainian airspace, the plane was now in the sights of its missile batteries which are still in the hands of these Zionists.

This diversion was necessary as there were other planes flying behind MH17 and these were from the Zionist Emirates of Singapore and India who had recently launched their own spy satellites. See this link India-launches-5-foreign-satellites.

The debris field from the MH17 could not hit other planes behind it as they were higher up although only a few minutes away. These planes, a Singapore Airlines plane and an Air India flight behind this had a ringside seat on this “Temasha” going on below them. Further their satellites newly launched by India for Singapore would show the destruction and would be a maiden or christening event for their countries defense analysts to gloat over and a way to sell more data to less advanced nations later.

MH17 flight path was confirmed by the MAS pilot and death was on its way! The missile shot was seen by all satellites monitoring that airspace, including German, French, Chinese, Russian, Israeli, US, Indian and old Zionist stooge Singapore.

Igor Strelkov, genocider of Bosnian Muslims in 1990’s and main suspect who carried out the shooting after orders from the PM Yatsenyuk.

At the time the Malaysia Airlines plane went down, Strelkov posted a statement on VKontakte, Russia's version of Facebook, taking responsibility for the attack.
"We warned them not to fly in 'our sky," he wrote. The post was later deleted.

Hackers, where are you?
If there are any hackers who are reading this, your skills in downloading and exposing this murder would be welcome. Paste it on your own channel, as the internet is still free before WW3 starts, which is not too far off. Once Russia gets tired of the sanctions it will up the ante or let the nincompoops in the white house run by IMF house- nigger Obama do it.

Malaysia is weak.
After retrieving the black boxes, who would you trust to read the data? Would you send it to the UK Zionist wolf or ask someone else? See this link Malaysian Air Probes Are Led By Perpertrators Of The Lockerbie Cover-Up

 The Malays can only blame themselves for being more concerned with making money through trade and projects; they neglected technology that would make the country safer and stronger.

The Zionist Emirate of Singapore has its own spy satellites network. Malaysia has none and relies on UK, US and China for feeds. This is an extremely foolish approach and flawed thinking. They lack tenacity and should take a look at Iran and Pakistan who have their own technology which is on par with the others. To be self reliant is the key to independent success.
A safe nation can dictate to others and NOT get dictated by others as is now happening to Malaysia. The newest logo I saw recently was MAS now stands for Mati Ada Senang (i.e. It’s Easy to Die!). It is now very timely if the Malays can only transform themselves into lions instead of the proverbial kitchen cat!

The opinions expressed in this article are entirely mine. Please feel free to repost but kindly quote the author and my blog DeadBanksterSociety.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mullins on the Federal Reserve Scam and how they print money out of thin air! Its All Black Magic!

Former Library of Congress employee and emancipator of Ezra Pound(Nobel Laureate) says that Bankers practice Black Magic and fool the world into becoming their Debt Slaves.
Banksters also immorally pollute the city they live in, similar to pigs wallowing in their own filth!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

India's new Hitler rises from the ashes of Gujarat


Narendar Modi, wanted war criminal and IMF house nigger, becomes new PM after beating Rajiv Gandhi in the elections. Coming from the Zionist RSS and Hitler worshipping BJP he now has his sights on cutting off Pakistan's water supply by blocking the water reaching the Indus river basin through multiple dams  constructed in India's Himalayan regions.

This serial rapist and mass murderer of many innocent men, women and children in Gujarat and other places has sworn to destroy muslims and especially Pakistan. Some of his best friends are the Hindu Zionists of Singapore, where he was welcomed by them in 2006. His admirers include the many rascals from the Hindu Endowments Board and the Law Minister Shanmugam who was in India to pay him a visit recently(Shanmugam sees Modi).

More about Modi can be heard from this interview given by Booker Prize and Norman Mailer awardee, Arhundhati Roy, at a presentation in the US. Even the hindus find this rascal distressing and are ashamed of his deeds which are frankly inhuman.
Hear how Ms.Roy points out the death of Modi's nemesis who was chopped up by a hindu mob and his women were raped and then torched.
PM Modi, be warned that Pakistan will seek revenge and you will pay a heavy price for your sins.
Verses 20 and 21 of Surah 58 of the Holy Quran states:

20: Lo! Those who oppose Allah and His messenger, they will be amongst the lowest.

21: Allah has decreed: Lo! I verily shall conquer, I and My messengers. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mossad's Malaysian Mayhem and Murder of Flight MH370.

Mossad's Malaysian Mayhem and Murder of Flight MH370

The disappearance of flight MH370 of Malaysian Airlines was no accident. It was planned months in advance by the arch criminal Israeli Mossad along with collusion of the CIA, MI6 and corporate owners of Rolls-Royce and Boeing. Corporate owners of these are the Zionist Jews.

Events in Ukraine
Obama losing face to Putin in the Syrian debacle and now claiming to be a “Holy of Holies” in championing the Zionist takeover of the Ukraine with the greedy IMF looking for fresh blood to suck, needed to teach China a lesson for their support of Putin.See link below as posted in Veterans Today.

Zionists fifth-columnists instigated the attack on civilians at a train station in China recently and the blame was put on the already impotent Muslim Uighurs in order to deflect the truth of China's involvement in the Ukraine. At least this is what has been “officially” claimed by China.

This event was a warning to China to back down, but as China was not moved , the Mossad put Plan B into action.

Mossad's Plan B
After seizing a weapons shipment of missiles from Iran meant for Hezbollah as claimed by this devil's claw, Mossad went on the warpath by using the same weapons to bring down flight MH370. Using the enemy's gun to kill and getting away scot-free!
Mossad's motto- By way of deception, thou shalt do war!

How was the plane attacked?
Using a Dolphin class submarine given to them by Germany for free, the Mossad targetted this airplane at around 1:30am on Saturday 8th March 2014. The missiles were from Iran, captured in the raid on the carrier vessel near the Red Sea on Wednesday, 5th March 2014.The link is here.
The Dolphin submarine surfaced and waited in ambush on the unsuspecting Boeing 777 aircraft as it flew overhead in clear skies and launched 3 missiles as the plane's warning lights blinked in the darkness of the Gulf. All the missiles did were to home in on the heat of the engines and that was the end of Flight MH370!

At least 3 missiles were fired, almost simultaneously onto the plane, now cruising at 40,000 feet (10,000metres) with a pressurised cabin and outside air temperature -20C. Going at Mach3 (1000 metres per second) the missiles hit the aircraft in about 10 seconds.

The pilot, a veteran Malaysian of 18000 plus airhours flight experience, did not know what had hit them until the last few seconds of his life.

The missiles were fired from the Gulf of Thailand near the Tho Chu islands but in International waters in order to avoid detection by the Vietnam and Chinese navies.
Anyway Mossad feels safe because Uncle Sam (US) takes care of satellite navigation and other “small matters”.

Disintegration at 40,000 feet

A fully fueled plane at this height is a crispy morsel for a hungry heatseeking missile. Then there were Three! No wreckage because incineration at this height would have scattered the remains over even into Indonesia, following the NE Monsoon winds now blowing in that direction as well as the jet stream. This is why it “appeared” as if the plane was “heading back” towards Malaysia because the black box was hurtling away from the rest of the wreckage and carried by the NE monsoon winds towards land.

China's Satellite Feed to Malaysia post disaster of MH370

China initially delayed giving satellite information to Malaysia, hoping that the Malaysian DCA were alert enough to find and determine the cause of the events. The Malaysians, being the nincompoops they are, waited and did the traditional “damage control” workshop on distraught relatives and friends of the missing and now presumed dead.
China's satellites overhead in the South China Sea which have been monitoring US and Japanese aircraft and ships over its disputed areas near the same location, picked up the signatures of missile launched towards the MH370 jet. The subsequent explosions at 40000 feet were recorded. All this was sent to the Malaysians within hours after the incident.

Malaysians waiting for the proverbial Coconut to fall

The Malaysians having this information still dilly-dallied and chased the red herring of 2 missing passports and 2 missing idiots who boarded their plane at KLIA.

The immigration control is so lax at Malaysian checkpoints that a monkey wearing a suit could pass through with the right amount of “palming grease”.

Frustration from China

China's spokesman expressed his frustration over the Malaysian DCA's inability to conclude the story and say that the plane was sabotaged and destroyed even after China had given them the details. No doubt, they are likely to do this in the next few days, once they find some “evidence” in form of body parts along the Malaysian East Coast beaches at Trengganu and Kelantan. See this interview with Captain Ross and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) done yesterday.

Why Mossad Hit Malaysia
There are many reasons, here are just some:

  1. Their good “batboyfriend”, Dr Anwar Ibrahim had been found guilty of sodomy on Friday 7th March, just about 20 hours before this incident.
  2. IMF house-nigger, Anwar Ibrahim, will be jailed for 5 years (pending appeal) and this sabotage was a warning to nincompoops now in office in Malaysian to back-off Anwar.
  3. To punish the Malaysians for their house nigger's possible incarceration, they lit up the skies over South China Sea as a show of support for Anwar.
  4. To punish China for its support of Russia in Ukraine.
  5. A warning to China that worse was to come it they don't back down.
  6. Testing Iran's missiles to see if they really work!
  7. Using deception by feeding news on news networks like Fox and CNN that the plane was sabotaged by Islamic extremists and using the Palestinians and Hezbollah as convenient whipping boys.
  8. Israel was found guilty of war crimes on Palestinians by the KL War Crimes Tribunal. This was one way of punishing Malaysians for poking their nose into Israeli affairs.If Anwar ever becomes PM he will most certainly disband this tribunal and open a B'nai Brith Chapter in KL.
  9. Economic and political consequences for Malaysia as their people's confidence in the government will be eroded and the nincompoops holding office now become even more shaky and unpopular.
  10. Making it easier for Dr Anwar Ibrahim, house-nigger of the IMF, to come to power on a new mandate guaranteeing security which he can so easily model after the Zionist Republic of Singapore, with IMF house-whore Lee Dynasty in power serving the banksters coffee faithfully for the last 50 years.

New missiles launches can be easily detected

Missiles launched have their own heat signatures. Every missile manufactured by a particular country has a heat spectrum that is unique to its country of origin. This is because use of metal parts for the missile are sourced from within the region of manufacture and when these are burnt, they give off unique infra-red and microwave radiations which are easily detectable by spectrometric sensors on board satellites. The production line resembles a car-making plant.

The sensors on satellites are able to detect these and can tell where these devices were fired from, their make, model, year of manufacture, potency as well as other information. Please refer to Jane's for more information.

Why the US, UK and manufacturers Rolls-Royce and Boeing are silent.

These are Zionist run corporations just like Coca Cola, Raytheon,NASA and many others ad infinitum. You name it, its probably Zionist. Every plane built by these two corporations has got on board computers that monitor the engines and structural integrity of the aircraft and this information is fed live to the HQ's in London and Seattle.

If a plane goes down, these people are the first to know and the first to offer excuses or to admit wrongdoings on other parties! Forearmed is forewarned!

Since they are Zionist entities, it is not in their interest to come and tell you what happened until you approach them like a beggar with his empty bowl and ask for assistance. And then they might just eat you!

The opinions expressed in this article are entirely mine. Please feel free to repost but kindly quote the author and my blog DeadBanksterSociety.

Latest UPDATE as at 1st April 2014.
When i wrote this piece some important facts were not made known and it was early days yet, but the best article so far  is below.
In my opinion the best information and analyses so far on this matter has been done by a Japanese journalist writing out of Hong Kong, see the link  below for this Article on by Y Shimatsu.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Vampire Banksters descend on the Ukraine and Putin does the Exorcism!

Interview by Cara St. Louis with F.William Engdahl on the Ukraine Catharsis and the vampirism activity of the IMF, NATO, EU and Zionist/Nazi subhumans. Link is here if the video does not load Engdahl interview with Cara St Louis.


Also mentioned is "Operation Paperclip" where Nazi's from a losing Germany were brought over to seed the US with their greater "intellectual prowess"; with the likes of V2 rocketeer Wernher von Braun - who plastered London with about 1000 V2 rockets - aka "Father of the Apollo Programme". This subsequently leads to ICBM's and the arms race.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Muslims killed Dracula - Banksters Beware!

The Muslim Ummah under The Ottomans killed Vlad the Impaler also known as Dracula. However, the death of the devil made things come to such a state that his legacy lives on in the form of the modern day Banks and their agents, the politicians! Still bloodsuckers and pedophiles, most banksters and politicians deserve a similar fate to Drakool. They can party in Hell!