The Holy Quran: 2:251 says

Then they defeated them with the Authority of Allah and David killed Goliath and Allah gave him the kingdom and wisdom and taught him of the things He willed. And were it not that Allah defends mankind, some of them by means of the others, the earth would be full of disorder. But Allah is the Bestower of Grace on the people of the world. (The Holy Quran , Surah 2 verse 251).

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mullins on the Federal Reserve Scam and how they print money out of thin air! Its All Black Magic!

Former Library of Congress employee and emancipator of Ezra Pound(Nobel Laureate) says that Bankers practice Black Magic and fool the world into becoming their Debt Slaves.
Banksters also immorally pollute the city they live in, similar to pigs wallowing in their own filth!